Just in case there was a burning desire out there to sleep in a house that seems to have had an unfortunate explosion of the colour pink, I present you with the Hello Kitty House.
Located in Shanghai and chock full of custom furniture any Hello Kitty fan would be thrilled to spend some time here.
Please note the meticulous detail in the living room.
I'm sure you'd sleep like a princess in this bedroom.
And you wouldn't have to ever leave! Adorable Hello Kitty food for all your meals.
I must admit I may be feeling the urge to vomit.
But wait! You could drive your Hello Kitty car there.
And if things got really rough along the way, you could pull out the "Hello Kitten" AF-15 assault rifle.
And if you want you can get hello kitty married!
That is all. I promise. Really, I do